Thursday 8 April 2021

Great Blue Skimmer and Kind Words

Subject:  You’re back!!!
Geographic location of the bug:  Jacksonville, Florida
Date: 04/08/2021
Time: 04:10 PM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  I’m so glad you’re back online!  You/your website has brought a lot of joy to me and my family over the years.  I’ve really missed seeing the new ID requests and learning about so many insects.  Hope you and yours are all doing well.  Here’s a nice local dragonfly (Jax, FL) since I have to upload an image for you to get this message.
How you want your letter signed:  Mike

Great Blue Skimmer

Dear Mike,
Thank you so much for your kind words.  Daniel is committed to posting again on a regular basis, however he no longer wants to post images of things people pull from their noses, or out of focus images of spiders they squash.  We really want to concentrate on posting letters that share our own wonder with the world of things that crawl.  We want to stimulate peoples’ appreciation with the natural world and to calm their fear of things they don’t understand.  That said, your image of what we believe to be a male Great Blue Skimmer, based on this BugGuide image, is a marvelous addition to our archives.

The post Great Blue Skimmer and Kind Words appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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