Subject : Copulating and Singing Brood 10 Cicadas
Geographic location of the bug: Gaithersburg, Maryland
Date: 06/14/2021
Time: 07:18 AM EDT
Your letter to the bugman: I found these two Cicadas lying in the middle of the road and decided to get them out of harms way and get a closer look. This is screen shot from a video. The disengaged and flew off about 15 minutes later. Then without harming another cicada, I made a video of him singing and this is a screen shot from that video with a closeup of the organ used to do it. It is the gray triangular area. This cicada flew off as soon as I released its wings.
How you want your letter signed: NancyA
Dear NancyA,
Thank you so much for sending in your excellent Brood X Periodical Cicada images. Even in Los Angeles, our local news seems to have daily reports on the Brood X emergence.
The post Mating Brood X Periodical Cicadas appeared first on What's That Bug?.
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