Friday 11 August 2023

How to Get Rid of Crab Spiders: Effective and Safe Methods

Crab spiders are beneficial arachnids that play a vital role in controlling the pest population. However, some people find them unwanted and would prefer to keep them away from their homes. In this article, we will discuss methods to effectively remove crab spiders from your living spaces, without causing harm to them or the ecosystem.

One simple, yet effective, method to eliminate crab spiders is by using a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove the spiders and their webs. This prevents the spiders from laying more egg sacs, thus reducing their numbers. Another strategy involves keeping your home clutter-free, particularly in areas such as closets, garages, basements, and attics. Spiders tend to thrive in quiet, undisturbed spaces, so decluttering these areas will make them less attractive to the crawly creatures.

Some species of crab spiders, such as Northern Crab Spider and Ground Crab Spiders, can adapt their colors to blend in with their surroundings, making them difficult to spot. In such cases, vigilance and regular inspection of your home can be helpful in identifying and removing them.

Crab Spider Identification

Appearance and Characteristics

Crab spiders belong to the family Thomisidae and are known for their unique appearance. Some key features include:

  • Legs extending sideways, similar to a crab
  • Ability to walk in any direction
  • Varying colors, such as white, yellow, gray, brown, and rusty

These spiders usually have markings on their dull gray and brown bodies 1. A well-known species, the Goldenrod Crab Spider, has the ability to change color from white to yellow, depending on the flower it inhabits2.


Crab spiders can be found in various habitats, such as gardens and residential areas3. Ground crab spiders, which belong to the genus Xysticus, prefer to reside in the ground4. On the other hand, species like the Goldenrod Crab Spider inhabit flowers5.

Behavior and Diet

Crab spiders are ambush predators. They wait patiently for their prey, which usually consists of insects like flies and mosquitoes. Their unique sideways walking ability and varying coloration help them blend into their surroundings, making it easier for them to catch their prey.

Here is a comparison table between Ground Crab Spiders and Goldenrod Crab Spiders:

Feature Ground Crab Spiders Goldenrod Crab Spiders
Habitat Ground Flowers
Colors Dull gray, brown White, yellow
Color Changing No Yes5
Common Prey Insects Insects

In conclusion, identifying crab spiders involves examining their appearance, characteristics, habitat, and behavior. Be cautious around these spiders, but remember that they are also essential for pest control in your environment.

Crab Spider Control Methods

Natural Remedies

  • Inspect plants: Regularly check your plants and gardens for signs of crab spiders. Remove them by hand or with a gentle brush.
  • Encourage natural predators: Attract birds, lizards, or other spider-eating predators to your yard by providing shelter and food sources.

DIY Pest Control Techniques

  • Vacuum: Vacuum visible spiders, their webs, and their hiding spots (e.g., corners, under furniture) indoors.
  • Seal gaps: Fix any cracks or gaps in your home to prevent spider entry.
  • Reduce clutter: Limit hiding places by keeping clutter and debris to a minimum.

(example not needed)

Method Pros Cons
Vacuuming Easy, quick, chemical-free Not effective for hidden spiders
Sealing gaps Prevents reentry, long-lasting Can be time-consuming, may miss gaps
Reducing clutter Limits hiding places, overall tidiness May not eliminate all spiders

Professional Pest Control Services

Trusted companies like Truly Nolen and 4 Seasons Pest Control offer:

  • Satisfaction guarantee: They ensure you’re satisfied with the service.
  • Unlimited callbacks: Professionals will return as needed for additional treatments.
  • Thorough assessment: Complete evaluation of your home’s needs based on square footage.

Avoid making exaggerated or false claims.

Preventing Crab Spider Infestations

Maintaining a Clean Environment

Keeping your garden clean and free of debris helps in preventing crab spider infestations. Remove any dead plants, fallen leaves, and other debris that may serve as hiding places for spiders, insects, and pests. Regularly trimming plants and maintaining them at a certain height can also reduce the chances of crab spiders setting up webs or nests.

For example:

  • Trim the grass to maintain a height of 3 inches
  • Remove dead plants, fallen leaves, etc.

Sealing Entry Points

To prevent crab spiders from entering your home, inspect and seal any cracks or openings in walls, doors, and windows. Use weather stripping or caulking to seal gaps. This helps keep not only spiders, but also other insects and pests at bay.

Some common entry points:

  • Cracks and openings in walls
  • Gaps around doors and windows

Inspect and Treat Plants

Regularly inspect your garden plants for signs of spider nests, webs, or infestations. If you spot any crab spiders or their nests, promptly treat affected plants using insecticidal soap or a natural spider repellent.

Pros and cons of insecticidal soap:

Pros Cons
Effective against crab spiders May harm beneficial insects
Environmentally friendly Needs to be applied frequently

Keep in mind that some plants may be more prone to spider infestations, like those with dense foliage or flowers that attract insects. Prevent crab spiders by ensuring you maintain a clean environment, seal entry points, and inspect and treat plants regularly.

Crab Spiders and Humans

Bites and Medical Concerns

  • Crab spider bites are rare
  • Bites are generally harmless to humans

Crab spiders aren’t known to be aggressive towards humans, and their bites are typically rare. However, if bitten, most people experience only mild discomfort, as these spiders aren’t venomous like the brown recluse or other poisonous species.

Benefits to the Ecosystem

  • Crab spiders are natural predators of insects
  • Help control populations of flies and mosquitoes

Crab spiders play a vital role in maintaining the ecosystem by acting as natural predators of various insects. They are especially helpful in keeping populations of flies and mosquitoes under control, which, in turn, benefits humans by reducing the number of disease-carrying pests.


Crab spiders are often found in gardens, where they prey on pests like tarnished plant bugs, providing a form of biological pest control for plants.

Comparison of Crab Spider Bites and Brown Recluse Bites:

Feature Crab Spider Bites Brown Recluse Bites
Frequency of bites Rare Occasional
Venomous No Yes
Severity of symptoms Mild discomfort Severe in some cases
Medical intervention Rarely needed Often necessary

By understanding the role of crab spiders in the ecosystem and recognizing that their bites pose minimal risk, we can better appreciate their presence and contribution to maintaining a balanced environment.

Other Common Spiders

Black Widow

The Black Widow spider is a venomous species found in various parts of the US. Its bite can be dangerous, but with prompt treatment, the risk of severe complications is reduced. Some identifying features of the Black Widow include:

  • Shiny black color
  • Red hourglass-shaped marking on the abdomen

It’s essential to take precautions around areas where Black Widows are known to reside and seek medical attention if bitten.

Brown Recluse

The Brown Recluse, or Loxosceles reclusa, is another venomous spider indigenous to the US, specifically in the southeast and parts of the Midwest. Often referred to as “violin” or “fiddle-back” spiders, they can be recognized by:

  • Light to dark brown color
  • Dark violin-shaped marking on the head area

Brown Recluses are common in states like North Carolina, also known as the Tar Heel State. If bitten, medical assistance should be sought immediately to minimize potential complications.

Wolf Spider

Wolf Spiders are large, hairy spiders found throughout the US. They are not considered dangerous to humans, and their bites typically cause minor symptoms like swelling and pain. Some distinguishing features of Wolf Spiders are:

  • Size ranging from 0.25 to 1.5 inches in body length
  • Distinct markings in brown, gray, or black colors

Although their appearance may be frightening, Wolf Spiders are generally harmless and help control the population of other, more harmful insects.

Comparison Table

Spider Venomous Bite Symptoms Identifying Features
Black Widow Yes Severe pain, cramps Shiny black, red hourglass on abdomen
Brown Recluse Yes Necrosis, pain Brown, violin-shaped marking on head
Wolf Spider No Mild pain, swelling Large, hairy, distinct brown markings


  1. Ground Crab Spiders | Missouri Department of Conservation ↩
  2. Goldenrod Crab Spider – MDC Teacher Portal ↩
  3. Common Spiders of Missouri: Identification, Benefits, and Concerns ↩
  4. Ground Crab Spiders | Missouri Department of Conservation ↩
  5. Goldenrod Crab Spider – MDC Teacher Portal ↩ ↩2

The post How to Get Rid of Crab Spiders: Effective and Safe Methods appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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