Friday 6 October 2023

What Eats Antlions? Mystery Unveiled

Antlions, often recognized by their distinctive sand traps, are a marvel of the insect world, showcasing nature’s predatory design. 

Yet, even these adept hunters have their own adversaries in the ecosystem. 

In this article, we’ll uncover the various creatures that have antlions on their menu. 

Additionally, for those who encounter these insects in their gardens or homes, we’ll explore eco-friendly strategies to manage their presence. 

Dive in to understand the delicate balance between antlions, their predators, and our shared environment.

What Eats Antlions

Are Antlions Dangerous?

While antlion larvae possess sharp mandibles designed for capturing prey, they are known to bite humans only rarely

Their primary focus is on smaller insects like ants, beetles, and other ground dwelling creatures.

Can They Be a Nuisance?

Yes, for avid gardeners, the conical pits of antlion larvae might be seen as a disturbance, especially if they are numerous.

In areas with sandy soil, antlions might be found near homes, patios, or under raised foundations. 

Their presence, while not harmful, might be unsettling for some homeowners.

Again, antlions do not discriminate when it comes to their prey. Beneficial insects, like pollinators, could fall victim to their traps.

What Eats Antlions?

Given their nuisance value and the way they affect homes, many people would like to know how to get rid of antlions.

One of the easiest and most natural ways to get rid of antlions is by attracting predators of these bugs.

Let’s discuss the main predators of antlions in the sections that follow.

Bird Predators

Birds, with their keen eyesight and diverse diet, often feed on antlions, helping regulate their numbers in various habitats.

Here are some species that are particularly fond of antlions.

  • Sparrows: Common ground-feeders, they often spot and consume antlions.
  • Warblers: These insectivores might pick off antlions from sandy areas.
  • Flycatchers: With their agile flight, they can snatch adult antlions mid-air.

Attracting birds by keeping birdfeeders in the garden can be an easy way to get rid of antlions.


Spider Predators

Spiders, especially ground-dwelling species, often come across antlion larvae and can capture them, thereby helping in controlling their numbers in certain areas.

Here are a few species that are often interested in an antlion meal:

  • Wolf Spiders: Active hunters, they roam the ground and can easily spot and consume antlion larvae.
  • Jumping Spiders: With their keen vision and agile movements, they can target both larvae and adult antlions.
  • Ground Spiders: These spiders, which often reside in similar sandy habitats as antlions, might come across and prey on them.

Insect Predators

Larger insects often target antlions, especially during their vulnerable larval stage, helping to naturally regulate their populations.

Here are some insects that commonly attack antlion larvae pits.

  • Beetles: Certain ground beetles, with their sturdy mandibles, can capture and feed on antlion larvae.
  • Predatory Bugs: Assassin bugs and other predatory true bugs might target antlions as a food source.
  • Larger Ants: Some bigger ant species, when in groups, can overpower and consume antlion larvae.
  • Scorpions: Researchers have found that three species of scorpions in the desert regions are also predators of antlions

Amphibian Predators

Amphibians, especially those that thrive in areas overlapping with antlion habitats, can consume these insects, aiding in balancing their populations.

  • Frogs: Many frog species, with their quick reflexes and sticky tongues, can snatch up antlion larvae or even adults when they come across them.
  • Toads: Ground-dwelling toads, often found in sandy or loamy soils, might encounter and consume antlion larvae during their nocturnal hunts.

Antlion Defense Mechanisms

Even as predators themselves, antlions have evolved various strategies to defend against their own set of predators. 


Both larvae and adult antlions possess colorations that blend seamlessly with their surroundings. 

This natural camouflage helps them remain undetected, reducing the chances of being preyed upon.

Pit Construction

For the larvae, the conical pits they dig serve a dual purpose. While they act as traps for their prey, they also provide a hiding spot.

Antlion Larva

Rapid Burrowing

If threatened, antlion larvae can quickly burrow into the sand or soil, disappearing from sight and evading capture.


Adult antlions, equipped with delicate wings, have the advantage of flight. This allows them to swiftly escape ground-based threats.

Mimicry (in some species)

Certain antlion species might resemble other, more dangerous insects, deterring potential predators from approaching.

Alternative Methods to Control Antlion Populations

While predators play a natural role in controlling antlion populations, homeowners and gardeners might seek alternative, non-predatory methods to manage or reduce their presence in specific areas. 

Here are some effective and non-harmful strategies:

Habitat Modifications

Moisture: Antlion larvae prefer dry, sandy soils to create their pits. Regularly watering sandy areas can deter them from setting up traps.

Soil Alteration: Mixing the sandy soil with compost or mulch can make it less suitable for antlions to create their pits.

Natural Repellents

Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkling food-grade diatomaceous earth can deter antlions. It’s a natural and safe powder that can be disruptive to many insects without harming plants or pets.

Citrus Peels: Some gardeners believe that the scent of citrus peels can repel antlions. Scatter fresh peels in areas where antlion activity is high.

Physical Barriers

Mesh or Netting: Placing a fine mesh or netting over sandy areas can prevent adult antlions from laying eggs in the soil.

Landscaping Fabric: This can be laid beneath the top layer of soil or sand, making it difficult for larvae to create their pits.

What Eats Antlions


If you find antlion pits and wish to relocate them, gently scoop up the larvae and move them to a more suitable location away from your garden or home.

By employing these methods, homeowners and gardeners can effectively manage antlion populations without resorting to harmful chemicals or practices, ensuring a balanced and eco-friendly approach.

What Do Antlions Eat?

The predatory nature of antlions comes out during their larval stage. 

The antlion begins its life as a larva, often referred to as a “doodlebug.” These bugs are renowned for making conical pits in sandy terrain. 

These pits serve as traps for unsuspecting prey. The steep, loose walls of the pit make it difficult for prey to escape once they’ve fallen in.

These pits allow the antlion to remain concealed and expend minimal energy while waiting for prey to stumble into their trap.

Do Antlions Eat Only Ants?

While their name suggests a preference for ants, antlions are not exclusive in their tastes. Ants, due to their abundance and ground activity, are frequent victims. 

However, the antlion’s diet also includes other small insects like beetles, spiders, and various arthropods.

How Antlions Eat

  • Once prey falls into the pit, the antlion larva uses its mandibles to grasp the insect securely.
  • The larva then injects its prey with digestive enzymes. These enzymes break down and liquefy the soft tissues of the captured insect.
  • After the internal contents are liquefied, the antlion sucks out the nutritious liquid, leaving behind the exoskeleton of its prey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do antlions have predators?

Yes, antlions do have predators. Despite their own predatory nature, especially during their larval stage, antlions are not exempt from the food chain. Some of their predators include:
Birds: Many bird species, especially those that feed on insects, will readily consume antlions when they come across them.
Spiders: Various spider species, particularly ground-dwelling ones, can capture and feed on antlion larvae.
Larger Insects: Certain beetles and other predatory insects might prey on antlion larvae or adults.
Amphibians: Frogs and toads, which feed on a variety of insects, can also consume antlions if they encounter them.

What is the prey of antlion?

Antlions primarily prey on small insects, with their diet varying slightly depending on their life stage. As larvae, they eat ants and other smaller insects such as beetles, spiders, and various arthropods.
Adult antlions primarily feed on nectar. However, some species might also consume small insects, but they are not as voracious predators as they are in their larval stage.

Is the antlion the prey or predator?

The antlion plays both roles in the ecosystem. In its larval stage, the antlion is a formidable predator. It creates conical sand pits to trap small insects, with ants being a primary food source. 
When these insects fall into the pit, the antlion larva grabs them with its sharp mandibles, injects them with digestive enzymes, and consumes the liquefied insides.
But despite their predatory nature, antlions are not exempt from predation themselves. They are preyed upon by various creatures, including birds, spiders, larger insects, and amphibians.

How do antlions eat their prey?

Antlion larvae trap insects in conical sand pits. Once an insect falls in, the larva uses its mandibles to grasp the prey, injecting it with digestive enzymes. 
These enzymes liquefy the insect’s insides, which the antlion then consumes, leaving only the exoskeleton behind. 
This efficient method maximizes nutrition while conserving energy.


With their distinctive predatory tactics and intriguing lifecycle, antlions play a significant role in the ecosystem. 

As predators, they help control populations of ants and other small insects, contributing to the intricate balance of nature. 

However, in areas where human habitats intersect with their natural environment, they can be perceived as both fascinating and potentially bothersome. 

While they pose no direct harm, their presence in gardens or homes might prompt individuals to seek control measures. 

Antlions face predation from birds, spiders, larger insects, and amphibians. Encouraging these predators in your garden can help keep their populations in check.

They can also be managed through habitat modification, natural repellents, and physical barriers.

The post What Eats Antlions? Mystery Unveiled appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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