Monday 9 October 2023

Where Do Bagworms Come From? Unraveling The Origins of These Pests

Bagworms are caterpillar pests known for the unique protective cases they construct around themselves. 

These cases, often referred to as “bags,” are made using silk and materials from the plants they feed on. 

At a glance, these bags can resemble small pinecones or clusters of pine needles, making them easily mistaken for natural parts of the trees or shrubs they inhabit. 

Inside these bags, one might find the developing larvae, eggs, or even the adult female bagworms preparing for the next generation. 

Where Do Bagworms Come From
Bagworm Cocoon

As the larval form of the bagworm moth, these creatures play a significant role in their life cycle, transitioning from feeding larvae to reproductive adults.

In this article, let’s understand where these bagworms come from and how they can be a pest in your garden and home.

What Are Bagworms?

Bagworms are the larval stage of the bagworm moth, a species that has evolved a unique method of protection during its developmental phase

These larvae create and reside within bags, which serve both as a shield against predators and as a means of camouflage within their environment. 

These bags are meticulously crafted using silk produced by the larvae, combined with bits of leaves, needles, and other plant materials from their host plants.

While the term “bagworm” might suggest a worm-like creature, it’s essential to understand that these are, in fact, caterpillars

As they mature, they undergo a transformation within these bags. 

Male bagworms eventually metamorphose into winged moths, leaving their bags to seek out females for mating. 

In contrast, female bagworms remain wingless and largely resemble their larval form throughout their lives. 

They stay within their bags, laying their eggs inside, which will hatch into the next generation of bagworms.

Where Do Bagworms Come From? Origin and Distribution

Bagworms, particularly the North American bagworm, have a widespread presence throughout the continental U.S. and southern Canada. 

This species has counterparts that extend their range into Central and South America, reaching as far south as Argentina.


Where Do Plaster Bagworms Come From? – Origin and Distinguishing Features

Plaster bagworms are a species of moth known as Phereoeca Uterella. Their larvae form casings, which they live inside during their vulnerable period. 

These casings are around half an inch in length and feature slits at both ends, allowing the larvae to move in and out. 

The most distinguishing characteristic of plaster bagworms is their bag, which looks like a small cocoon. 

This bag, resembling a watermelon or pumpkin seed in shape, is made up of silk fiber and other organic materials, such as lint, sand, or dry plaster debris. 

The cocoon’s color is light gray and hangs discreetly on walls. Inside this protective casing, the larva, primarily white with a brown head, resides. 

These pests are especially prevalent in humid environments, such as the Southeastern United States, with a significant presence in Florida.

Bagworm Life Cycle

Bagworms begin their life cycle with eggs laid by the female inside the protective bag. 

This bag serves as a safeguard, shielding the eggs from cold temperatures throughout the late fall and winter months. 

Depending on the location, these eggs typically hatch in the spring to early summer.

Feeding Habits 

After hatching, the young caterpillars venture out to feed on the needles and leaves of their host tree. 

Contrary to what one might assume, bagworms are not stationary creatures. 

Young worms can transport their bags with them, moving around in search of food. 

This mobility allows them to feed on various parts of the host plant, causing potential defoliation and other damage.

As the seasons progress, bagworms transition into the pupal stage by fall. During this phase, they transform into adults. 

Female adults, being wingless, remain in their bags, while males leave their bags to locate females for mating. 

Post-mating, the female lays over 300 eggs inside her bag, which will endure the winter and hatch the following spring, completing the life cycle.

Female Bagworm Moth

Habitats and Host Plants

Bagworms have a preference for certain trees and plants, which serve as their primary habitats. 

These insects are known to reside in a variety of trees such as willow, spruce, maple, oak, and pine. 

Among these, arborvitae and juniper trees are their favorites. However, bagworms are adaptable creatures. 

In the absence of their preferred trees, they can settle in decorative shrubs that provide a suitable food source.

Do Bagworms Come From the Ground?

A common misconception is that bagworms originate from the ground. In reality, bagworms do not come from the soil. 

Instead, they begin their life cycle in the protective bags, usually attached to host trees or plants. 

These bags shield the eggs during the colder months, and once hatched, the larvae feed on the foliage of their host plant. 

The bags can sometimes be found on the exteriors of structures or other locations, but this is typically the result of caterpillars moving their bags to pupate rather than an indication of ground origin.

Signs of Bagworm Presence in Residential Areas

One of the most evident signs of bagworm presence in residential areas is the distinctive bag they create. 

These bags can be easily spotted hanging from tree branches or leaves. 

At first glance, a bagworm’s bag might resemble a small pine cone or a collection of pine needles stuck together. 

When freshly constructed, these bags can range in color from green to light brown. 

However, as they age, especially throughout the winter months, they fade to a grayish-brown hue. 

If you notice a tree or shrub appearing as though it’s losing its foliage, it’s essential to inspect it closely to determine if bagworms are the cause.

Why Certain Trees and Bushes Are More Susceptible

Bagworms are not random in their choice of habitat. They specifically look for places that can also serve as food sources for themselves and their offspring. 

While they can survive on a variety of trees, they have a particular preference for conifers. 

The reason for this preference is that conifers do not produce a new crop of foliage every year, making them more vulnerable to the damage caused by bagworms. 

Trees like evergreens, which retain their leaves or needles throughout the winter, are at a higher risk of severe damage or even death due to defoliation by bagworms. 

On the other hand, deciduous trees can often survive a bagworm infestation, but it’s always better to address the issue before it escalates.

How Do You Prevent Bagworms?

Preventing bagworms involves a combination of regular monitoring, physical removal, and, if necessary, the use of specific treatments. Here are some steps to prevent bagworm infestations:

  • Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect trees and shrubs, especially those known to be preferred by bagworms such as juniper, arborvitae, spruce, and pine. Early detection is crucial to managing and preventing a full-blown infestation.
  • Physical Removal: If you spot bagworm bags on your trees or shrubs, especially during the winter months, physically remove them. This is effective because each bag can contain hundreds of eggs that will hatch the following spring. Use scissors or shears to snip off the bags and place them in a bucket of soapy water to kill the larvae, or seal them in a plastic bag and dispose of them.
  • Biological Control: Introduce natural predators like birds and beneficial insects that feed on bagworms. For instance, certain parasitic wasps can help control bagworm populations.
  • Biorational Insecticides: If you detect an infestation early, typically in May or June, you can use biorational insecticides like Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), neem, or Spinosad. These are especially effective on younger bagworms.
  • Chemical Control: For more severe infestations or when bagworms are discovered later in the season, consider using synthetic insecticides like bifenthrin, sevin or carbaryl. However, always use chemical controls as a last resort and follow label directions carefully. It’s also essential to note that while these insecticides can reduce the number of bagworms, they might not eliminate the population entirely.
  • Maintain Tree Health: Healthy trees are more resilient to pests, including bagworms. Ensure your trees are well-watered, appropriately pruned, and receive the necessary nutrients.
  • Consult with Experts: If you’re unsure about the presence or severity of a bagworm infestation, consult with a local extension service or a professional arborist. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation.
  • Educate and Collaborate: Share information about bagworm prevention with neighbors. Collaborative efforts can be more effective in preventing the spread of bagworms across a larger area.

Remember, the key to preventing bagworms is early detection and intervention. Regularly inspecting your trees and shrubs and taking prompt action can help keep these pests at bay.

Health and Environmental Implications

Bagworms, despite their potential to cause significant damage to trees and shrubs, are not harmful to humans or animals. 

If you happen to come into contact with a bagworm or its bag, there’s no cause for concern; they won’t harm you or cause any sickness. 

However, it’s essential to note that while the bagworms themselves are harmless, the pesticides often used to treat bagworm-infested trees can be toxic. 

These pesticides can pose risks to humans, animals, and even beneficial insects if not used correctly. 

Therefore, while addressing a bagworm infestation, it’s crucial to be cautious and informed about the chemicals being used.

Frequently Asked Questions

How harmful are bagworms?

Bagworms are harmful primarily to trees and shrubs, causing defoliation which can lead to plant death, especially in evergreens. It’s advisable to manage bagworms to protect your plants. To get rid of bagworms, physically remove their bags from plants, drown them in soapy water, or use specific insecticides, ensuring early detection for effective control.

Should I kill bagworms?

Yes, if bagworms are infesting your plants, it’s advisable to manage and control them. Left unchecked, they can cause significant defoliation and potentially kill plants, especially evergreens. Early intervention can prevent extensive damage to your landscape.

How do I get rid of bagworms?

To get rid of bagworms, manually remove the bags from trees and drown them in soapy water. If infestations are caught early, use biorational insecticides like Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), neem, or Spinosad. For older bagworms, synthetic insecticides like bifenthrin or carbaryl may be effective. Always consult with a pest control expert for severe infestations and follow label directions for any pesticide.


Bagworms, the larval form of the bagworm moth, are fascinating creatures with a unique life cycle. 

Originating primarily from North America, they have spread to various parts of the world, with their distinctive bags serving as a protective home during their larval stage. 

These bags, made from silk and materials from their host plants, are a clear sign of their presence in residential areas. 

While they prefer certain trees, especially conifers, they are adaptable and can infest a range of trees and shrubs. 

Though harmless to humans and animals, their potential to damage trees makes it essential to manage and control their populations effectively.

The post Where Do Bagworms Come From? Unraveling The Origins of These Pests appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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