Saturday 30 December 2023

Biting Bug in a Camper

So quick note, moved into a camper started getting stung developed leasions it’s black with a clear gooey around it attached to u then goes inside where I assume it lays eggs .. the circles in the water look similar to them when I ran a cuticak cutter threw it bulled out these two guys. My cloths are infested my body my dog please help I’ve been turned away to many times I can give you more info if need ….ps the table top in the picture … they also bore holes in my counters couch and those specs are the bugs not my table they imbed in to it … 

Trucker Z

Dear Trucker,

We are not qualified to provide medical advice.  We suggest you seek medical attention.

The post Biting Bug in a Camper appeared first on What's That Bug?.

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